jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

Visit of the Irish teachers

From October, 23rd to October, 26th we enjoyed the company of the three Irish teachers from the Coláiste Ghlór na Mara school in Balbriggan who are the leaders of the  Erasmus+ Project of which we are partners. Their names are Andrea Ní Cheallaigh, Sarah Byrne  and Ciaran Ó Tuathaláin.

We all had meetings to put things together, plan learning activities and decide on possible dates for the exchanges. And, in the case of 4º ESO-A and 4º ESO-C , we took advantage of their presence and they explained the work which  this project involves and the exchange that is planned for the students willing to participate. 
On Wednesday, 24th and on Thursday, 25th they got a chance to meet the staff of the school: we all shared opinions and experiences during the breaks between lessons as you can see in the photographs.

They got a chance to visit Ribadavia and acquaint themselves with its people, monuments and cuisine. We are sure that they have taken home quite a few good memories of their visit.

They also visited the Town Hall and met the local authorities and these activities received the attention of local journalists, whose articles on the subject appeared in the press. 

Take a look at the pictures! 

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